Sell Your House During Divorce

Call 1-800-BUY-HOUSES to Sell Your House During Divorce

A knife cutting a toy house in half to symbolize property division

During a divorce, a family home can become a contentious thing. It’s never easy when a once-beloved property becomes unwanted, but it’s often easier to liquidate a property rather than trying to keep hold of it. There are numerous advantages to selling your house during a divorce. And with 1-800-BUY-HOUSES, you can sell it quickly and easily.

If you’re selling your house during a divorce, you likely want to move on with your life fast. With 1-800-BUY-HOUSES, you don’t need to worry. We can make you a fair cash offer that you and your divorcing spouse can accept. From there, we’ll be able to send you cash quickly so you can liquidate your assets and complete your financial separation. Contact us to get in touch with a compassionate, reliable cash home buyer near you.

Reasons Selling Is a Good Idea

It’s Easier to Split Cash Than It Is a House

How do you split a house? You both likely have equity in it, which means keeping the house means that you’re going to need to “buy out” your ex-spouse’s portion.

Often, that means things like trading assets, such as giving your ex-spouse one of your cars. But that can backfire because your ex-spouse needs to agree on the assets that are being traded, too. It’s easier to split cash than a house. You just need to write a check.

You Likely Had Two Incomes Paying for the House, but Now You Have One

If you’re like most couples, both people are working to afford the house. Now, you’re going to have a single income paying for a house — a house that is suddenly both too large and too expensive.

Usually, the choices we make when we have a partner in mind are different from the choices that we would make on our own. Is this the house you would choose for yourself? Or is it a house that you chose with your previous financial situation in mind? We can help you avoid the burden of paying a mortgage on your own.

You May Want to Prevent a Dispute Over It

Only one type of person likes lengthy divorces: lawyers. When you involve a complex asset like a house, you can get embroiled in a dispute. Perhaps your ex-spouse wants the house. Or maybe they just want something expensive in return for it. Regardless, you can sidestep any potential dispute by liquidating it.

There Are Likely Some Bittersweet Memories

Though you might want the house for sentimental reasons right now, consider what it really means and represents to you. As you walk through the halls, will you be able to stop yourself from thinking about your former marriage? Or will you recall fights in the kitchen, disagreements in the backyard? Sometimes it’s healthier to separate yourself from the environment.

Ask yourself why you want to keep the house. If you can’t find any good answers, it’s probably best to move on. Not only is your house full of old memories, but it’s also likely too expensive to realistically afford.

Contact Us to Sell Your House for Cash

Not only are there a lot of reasons to sell your house during a divorce, there are also a lot of reasons to work with a cash buyer. When you contact us, you can get a quote almost immediately. That quote is firm. Our cash offer doesn’t require a mortgage lender to clear.

When you sell on the market, the process can be lengthy and drawn out, extending your divorce. We can help to make an already stressful experience a little simpler.

Are you ready to sell your house fast? Even if you just want to discuss the option, we’re here. Contact us at 1-800-BUY-HOUSES to learn more.